STM32 LED Blink

How to create a stm32 project? And do the experiment of toggling LED :

Step 1: Select that STM32CubeMX

Step 2: In this screen, you select the new project. After selecting a new project you get this screen.

Step 3: In this screen, you can select required STM board. Now here I am going to select an STM32f0R8 series.

Step 4: Wow!!! Successfully you created STM32 bored. Ok, now you to select gpio pins. Select on gpio pin on this board, you can get a menu. From that, you select whichever you required.

Step 5: Now we are going to select the gpio pin. I have selected 9th pin as an output pin.

Step 6: Now we are generating the source code based on the user setting.

Step 7: Now we have to save our project. Give project name and browse the location where you want you save it.

Select the toolchain/ IDE which you are using, I am using MDK-ARM V5. OTHER SETTINGS ARE KEPT AS IT IS. CHECK BELOW FIGURE.

Step 8: Now our code is generated. We will open the project directly through keil.

Step 9: In this keil select the Application/user- main.c.

      In main.c we can write the program.

      Connect the stm32f0308 kit with computer.

      After finishing program, build the program(shortcut press key-F7)- load(F8)-start/stop debug the program     (ctrl+F5).

we got the disassembly screen. Here we can run the program

Run the program(F5)

Wowwwww…!!!!!! We got the output of toggling led.