• Firstly to get started with there are many electronic devices. These have many complex microprocessors embedded within it.
  • It is the most commonly known programming language for embedded electronics.
  • It is fun to learn this after u have reviewed thoroughly the concepts of C especially the pointer concepts and memory concepts.
  • The main reason behind employing this language is that it lies in between the midst of high and low level programming.


  • The Embedded C language has various individual keywords that are not at all associated with C language.


  • Now we can go through the basic ones in embedded C:


  • ibdata/data:


In the internal memory of the microprocessor this data type will be stored.

Eg:- unsigned char a;

  • Basically this data keyword instructs the microprocessor to store the unsigned character a in the internal memory of the processor.


  • The function of this data keyword is to store the variable in bit addressable memory
  • E.g:- unsigned char bdata a;


  • The peculiarity of this data keyword is gain access to a  function set through register banks.


  • Eg:-  void yourfunction() using1


NOTE: Register banks is a type of bank switching technique employed by the microprocessors.

Related links: http://www.ptinstitute.in/embedded-c-and-c-descriptions/