Storage Classifiers
Storage Classifiers Ques 1. what are stoagre classifiers in c? options: A. auto, static, register, extern B. auto, float, register, extern C. char, static, register, extern D. auto, static, register,
Dynamic Memory Allocation QA
Dynamic Memory Allocation QA Ques 1. what is the output for the below code? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char *s; s=malloc(26); strcpy(s, ""); printf("%s\n",s); return 0; }
Advanced Pointers
Advanced Pointers Ques 1. what is the output for the below code? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int * add(int *p, int *q) { int sum; sum=*p+*q; return ∑ } int
Why C Is The Preferred Language For Embedded Systems
Blog Contents Why C Is The Preferred Language For Embedded Systems Hello Friends, I believe you wonder why C language is the preferred language for the embedded system, so here
C Operator Q&A
C operators Q & A Ques 1. what is the output for the below code? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int m,n,p; m=(1,2,3); p =1,2,3; printf("i = %d\n",m+p);
Misc QA
MiSC QA Ques 1. what is token? A. each and every units in c program are called tokens . B. only variables C. only constants D. only function names Ques
Interview Q & A
Interview QA 1. What is Recursion ? A function calling to itself is called recursion. Some time stack may overflow if we are not properly exit the recursion function. stack
File Handling in C
C FILE HANDLING Ques 1. what is the meaning of the statement ? FILE *fileptr; options: A. fileptr is a integer pointer. B. fileptr is pointer C. FILE is a
Variables in Depth
C Variables Ques 1. what is the scope of var1 and var2? int var1; fun() { int var2; } options: A. The scope of var2 is accessible through out the
String Q & A
String Q-A Ques 1. what is the output for the below code? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void ustrcpy(char *d, char *s); int main() { char name1[15] ="hello"; char name2[15] ="";