FAQ Of Embedded Systems Course
Hello friends, When students to PTInstitute join embedded system training in Bangalore then they are having many questions in their mind. But I had seen some pattern in the question
Advantages And Disadvantages of Embedded Systems
During embedded systems training in Bangalore, Many student ask us what is the advantages and disadvantages of embedded systems. At Professional Training Institute campus had once open seminars for around
Characteristics Of Embedded Systems
With the knowledge I gain over 18 years in Industrial exposure, I am sharing my understanding of the embedded system with you. If anyone of you want to gain deeper
What Is Deep Learning
What is deep learning, nowadays many students want to know about it? Deep learning is another branch of the embedded system, in embedded system data collected by the sensor is
All about Process in Linux/Unix – Developer Perspective
PROCESS: In Linux every thing we sees executing or taking some action will be by the process. Processes carry out tasks within the operating system. For definition ” Any program
How Are Data Structures Useful In Embedded Systems?
Blog Contents Data Structures in Embedded Systems This is a very common question my student is asking when we are data structure class for them. When a student joins embedded
Blog Contents INTERFACING LCD 16*2 WITH 8051 SUMMERY: Connecting LCD 16*2 display to the 8051 microcontroller in 8 bitration method and also passing two commands. COMPONENTS RECQURIED: o 8051 Microcontroller
Interview Q and A 9
Interview Q and A 9 Ques 1. How to know the given controller is little endian or big endian ? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { unsigned int x=0xaa55;
Interview Q & A 8
Interview Q & A 8 1. write a code for removing repeated digits in a number? ex : number = 45678678 here the digits 6,7,8 has to be removed. 2.
Interview Q & A 7
Interview Q & A 7 Ques 1. what is the priority inversion? If a low priority task holds the shared resource using semaphore that is required by the high priority