INTERFACING LCD 16*2 WITH 8051 SUMMERY: Connecting LCD 16*2 display to the 8051 microcontroller in 8 bitration method and also passing two commands. COMPONENTS RECQURIED: o 8051 Microcontroller o 16*2
Interview Q and A 9
Interview Q and A 9 Ques 1. How to know the given controller is little endian or big endian ? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { unsigned int x=0xaa55;
Interview Q & A 8
Interview Q & A 8 1. write a code for removing repeated digits in a number? ex : number = 45678678 here the digits 6,7,8 has to be removed. 2.
Interview Q & A 7
Interview Q & A 7 Ques 1. what is the priority inversion? If a low priority task holds the shared resource using semaphore that is required by the high priority
Artificial Intelligence
Definition Of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. There are so many benefits to artificial intelligence. We can
Interview QA5
Interview QA5 Ques 1. what is the use of voltile qualifier? If the variable is declared as volatile , the variable may updated by external program or hardware. The volatile
Interview Q & A 6
Interview Q & A 6 Ques 1. write a c program to print "Goodmorning" without using ; ? ex1: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { if(printf("\n Goodmorning")) } ex2:
Test your C skills
Interview Q & A 4 Ques 1. what happens for the below code since the array subscrit is more than the size of the array? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int
Embedded System QA II
Embedded system Q and A 1. what is difference between microprocessor and microcontroller? microprocessor microcontroller The microprocessor is having less in built memory and no inbuilt peripherals like ADC, SPI,
Interrupts in Embedded System QA
Interrupts Q and A 1. What is interrupt? Interrupt is an input signal to the processor or microcontroller that an event needs immediate attention. Interrupt is a request for the